Meet the founders

Who are we, and why are we doing this?

Meet the founders

Welcome to, thank you for stopping by!

We're Paul and Mark, the cofounders, and we think you deserve better choices when it comes to buying your groceries.

Paul (L) and Mark (R) hit the streets to talk trash with shoppers.

We met when we both joined the founding team at another startup ( over a decade ago. We've been in and around startups for a while, having also been early at companies like and Zoopla.

Both of us now have young children, and this one is for them. We're building for their (and everybody else's) future, to help make a better, cleaner world for them to live in.

Our skillsets are complimentary and our mindsets very similar. Case in point, this is what we did when our laser arrived - what's the first thing you would have tried to etch?

Paul (L) and Mark (R) engage in the serious business of laser etching a banana.

We love to make things, figure out tricky problems and challenge the established norms.

We are very excited to have developed a model for reuse that is innovative and unique - as far as we know, no else one has ever built a system like ours anywhere in the world.

We're building a service that we want to use, and we know millions of you do too. We can't wait for you to try it.

Getting it off the ground has been extremely hard work, and the innovations we've made are category leading, with several genuine leaps forward in the space. We've put everything into it, heart and soul, and we hope very much that you like it.

This is what our CleanFill Hub looked like on the day we got the keys. Beautiful right?

The CleanFill Hub on the day we got the keys.

It didn't look like that for long, we redid it from floor to ceiling and installed all our kit. This is where we do all the steps in our circular system.

A pic from the same spot a few short weeks later. Please forgive the blur, there's some top secret stuff in there.

We're very fortunate to have the backing of a number wonderful angel investors (including early and senior team from,, Hello Fresh and Harry’s), the Low Carbon Innovation Fund, Turquoise Capital and we are recipients of a UKRI (UK Research and Innovation) government grant.

As well as those who have funded us, we are supported by an incredible network of advisors with very strong backgrounds in food, food safety and sustainability.

Of course, we couldn't do this without our amazing partners, families and friends believing in us, and in our crazy idea.

We are just trying to do our bit for the next lot, one grocery delivery at a time.

Please enjoy using the service, and make sure to tell us what you think.